Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dream on, silly girl

At this very moment, I am listening to Hazel Faith’s cover of one of my favorite songs, The Only Exception, by one of my favorite bands, Paramore. Hazel Faith Dela Cruz is one of the luckiest Mapuan I have ever known in my stay, so far, in MIT. Besides being chosen as one of the cast of the internationally-known tv show, Glee, she is the youngest member of C-major and the band Climate Change. She is a believer, a person who offers everything she does to God. I can say that she is an epitome of beauty, inside and out.

As the video buffers because of the slow internet connection, I repeat the song over and over again, tirelessly listening to an angelic voice I know not the origin. And as I listen to how she sings, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I were like her?” I will be posting my videos in Youtube and sing my heart out. Then, as my video increases, I will be discovered. And I could be just like Charice. I will make my own songs and produce my own album and people will idolize me. It will be one heck of a fantastic yet difficult life.

I will be posting videos for my fans and they will follow my posts and so on. I’ll be free no more. I’ll be eating on expensive restaurants and my fans will be outside or maybe inside to have my autograph. Silly me for having my train of thoughts circled on stardom. Well, it was once my dream.

Unfortunately, I’m only imagining those things; they’re fictitious. I have to go back to reality, my reality. I have tons still to finish. With a relationship to balance with my everyday life, schoolwork, and, of course, my family, shining brighter than anyone is but a castle in the air, a mere fantasy.

And I just began wondering…How do famous people live?

First Time to Use Acrylic

I had fun painting and chatting with my sister today. It was actually my first time to use the acrylic as a medium for painting. I’ve always thought about using it before, but I didn’t try. It was expensive, I thought. There will come a time when I will be able to use it and so it came. The painting is for my Humanities subject, a very interesting and fascinating subject.
I was excited when our Humanities professor, Ma’am Palmea told the class that we would be painting. I suggested using canvas – since I haven’t once used that kind of material before – to try something new. The class agreed. I have no idea how much the price would be but I know that I would definitely buy them against all odds. 

Days went on and I still haven’t thought of a subject. What should I be painting about? I had thought of dozens of things – a night sky full of stars or lanterns,  a tree, a waterfalls, etc. Until finally when my family visited our hometowns in Pangasinan, I saw something that caught my eye. “Captivate” was the very word that came to me. It was only for a second that I saw the view for we were riding our car that time and this very picturesque never left my head. I sketch it, drew it, until I finally got the very concept I want to use. 

I already have my subject. So how do I paint it? I have no idea how to use acrylic pigment. I searched the net for techniques that I can use just before we started painting. I realized while watching that I should have tried using it a long time ago. It’s as if I missed a time of my life. But it’s not too late, right? I have my free time to improve this skill. I will definitely give my best.